Learn languages The LANGMaster way!
LANGMaster courses are amongst the most widely distributed and popular products for learning foreign languages on personal computers. This is not only due to their quality and extensive data but also for their unique didactic features.
You can now study the most common world languages on the internet, completely free of charge, and in several language localizations. Further languages and further localizations are gradually being prepared.
See also: Free online courses features
If the features of free online language learning are not enough, choose from a wide selection of state-of-the-art language courses (containing advanced didactic features, such as Speech recognition, Pronunciation practice using voice curves, the RE-WISE method for easy and effective vocabulary building, and the interconnection of the dictionary and grammar with the course) and dictionaries with audio pronunciation and the unique EasyLex function.
You can download all the offered language courses and dictionaries from the internet and try them out for free.
See also: Features of the purchased courses and dictionaries