Basic principles of Self-study supplements:
Our experience shows that corporate clients tend to be conservative in the field of language learning. Only a small percentage of companies are able to accept e-learning and blended learning. We have therefore prepared a concept of self-study supplements, which can enrich traditional corporate language learning with some e-Learning aspects.
- E-Learning enriches (does not replace) conventional learning
- E-Learning is targeted mainly for self-study.
E-Learning is tailored to your curriculum and contains data from the language textbooks you use.. We have used the open platform Open learning initiative , which allows the use of data corresponding to the content of full-time teaching. Many resources are already covered by a linguistic community. They can be immediately used in Listen & Talk, Sounded Text and RE-WISE.
- E-Learning is used in those areas where it adds value and not in the areas where traditional full-time teaching is preferable. Suitable areas: listening and pronunciation practice, memorizing of words and phrases, etc.
Listen & Talk (Centro de audição e pronúncia)
Para melhorar a sua compreensão oral e pronúncia preparamos centenas de horas de áudios que foram gravados pelos nativos.
Aproveite os dicionários preparados pela comunidade de internet e melhore a sua maneira atual de estudar a língua estrangeira. Também pode compartilhar seu próprio dicionário adaptado segundo a especificação Open Learning Initiative.
Diálogo da semana
Toda semana um diálogo novo com som.
Pratique audição de inglês, espahol, alemão, francês ou italiano.
Deseja publicar o Diálogo da semana no seu site? Entre em contato conosco!
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