Available dictionaries:
German-English and English-German Dictionary
Contains 83092 entries, 165176 definitions, 42861 examples, 176256 translations
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German-English Dictionary (
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Der Audiokurs Norwegisch besteht aus 9 Lektionen, in denen folgende Themen enthalten sind: erste Vokabeln, Essen, Farben, Grundphrasen, Körperteile, Zahlen, Zeitbestimmung, Einkaufen und Länder. Alle Norwegische Wörter und Phrasen wurden von Muttersprachlern aufgenommen und durch Übersetzungen in der Muttersprache ergänzt. Dank dieses Systems können Sie die Fremdsprache überall lernen, ohne gedruckte Materialien oder Computer bei sich zu haben. Es reicht, die Aufnahmen in Ihr iPod oder MP3-Player zu importieren und anfangen zu lernen.
English-German Dictionary (
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This Norwegian audio course contains 9 lessons, that cover the following topics: first words, food, colours, basic phrases, body, numbers, time, shopping and countries. All Norwegian words and phrases are recorded by native speakers and are accompanied by translations recorded in your native language. Thanks to this scheme you can learn the Norwegian language wherever you are without the need of the printed materials or computer. Just import the mp3 files into your iPod or mp3 player and start learning.
Bulgarian-English and English-Bulgarian Dictionary
Contains 34719 entries, 44232 definitions, 8566 examples, 84760 translations
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Bulgarian-English Dictionary (
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Норвежкият аудиокурс съдържа 9 урока, които покриват следните теми: първи думи, хранене, цветове, основни фрази, части на тялото, числа, определяне на времето, пазаруване и страни. Всичките норвежки думи и фрази са записани от носители на езика и са допълнени с преводи на родния език на обучаващия се. Благодарение на тази система можете да учите езика където и да е, без да имате нужда от печатни материали или компютър. Достатъчно е да прехвърлите mp3 записите на Вашия айпод или mp3 плейър и можете да започнете обучението си.
English-Bulgarian Dictionary (
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This Norwegian audio course contains 9 lessons, that cover the following topics: first words, food, colours, basic phrases, body, numbers, time, shopping and countries. All Norwegian words and phrases are recorded by native speakers and are accompanied by translations recorded in your native language. Thanks to this scheme you can learn the Norwegian language wherever you are without the need of the printed materials or computer. Just import the mp3 files into your iPod or mp3 player and start learning.
Czech-English and English-Czech Dictionary
Contains 34326 entries, 42310 definitions, 7138 examples, 62386 translations
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Czech-English Dictionary (
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Tento audio kurz norštiny obsahuje 9 lekcí, které pokrývají následující témata: první slova, jídlo, barvy, základní fráze, části těla, čísla, určování času, nakupování a země. Všechna norská slova a fráze jsou nahrané rodilými mluvčími a doplněny překlady nahranými do rodného jazyka. Díky tomuto systému se můžete učit jazyk kdekoli, bez potřeby tištěných materiálů nebo počítače. Stačí naimportovat mp3 nahrávky do Vašeho iPodu nebo mp3 přehrávače a začít se učit.
English-Czech Dictionary (
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This Norwegian audio course contains 9 lessons, that cover the following topics: first words, food, colours, basic phrases, body, numbers, time, shopping and countries. All Norwegian words and phrases are recorded by native speakers and are accompanied by translations recorded in your native language. Thanks to this scheme you can learn the Norwegian language wherever you are without the need of the printed materials or computer. Just import the mp3 files into your iPod or mp3 player and start learning.
Russian-English and English-Russian Dictionary
Contains 33631 entries, 41340 definitions, 9209 examples, 71592 translations
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Russian-English Dictionary (
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Этот аудиокурс норвежского содержит 9 уроков по следующим темам: первые слова, еда, цвета, основные выражения, части тела, числа, время, покупки, страны. Все норвежские слова и выражения озвучены носителями языка и сопровождаются переводом на ваш родной язык. Благодаря этому вы можете изучать язык где угодно, без использования печатных материалов и компьютера. Просто загрузите mp3 файлы на ваш iPod или mp3 плеер и начинайте изучать язык.
English-Russian Dictionary (
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This Norwegian audio course contains 9 lessons, that cover the following topics: first words, food, colours, basic phrases, body, numbers, time, shopping and countries. All Norwegian words and phrases are recorded by native speakers and are accompanied by translations recorded in your native language. Thanks to this scheme you can learn the Norwegian language wherever you are without the need of the printed materials or computer. Just import the mp3 files into your iPod or mp3 player and start learning.
Slovak-English and English-Slovak Dictionary
Contains 33329 entries, 40820 definitions, 7078 examples, 60603 translations
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Slovak-English Dictionary (
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Audio kurz nórčiny obsahuje 9 lekcií, ktoré pokrývajú nasledujúce témy: prvé slová, jedlo, farby, základné frázy, časti tela, čísla, určovanie času, nakupovanie a krajiny. Všetky nórske slová a frázy sú nahraté rodenými hovoriacimi a doplnené prekladmi nahratými do rodného jazyka. Vďaka tomuto systému sa môžete učiť jazyk kdekoľvek, bez potreby tlačených materiálov alebo počítača. Stačí naimportovať mp3 nahrávky do Vášho iPodu alebo mp3 prehrávača a začať sa učiť.
English-Slovak Dictionary (
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This Norwegian audio course contains 9 lessons, that cover the following topics: first words, food, colours, basic phrases, body, numbers, time, shopping and countries. All Norwegian words and phrases are recorded by native speakers and are accompanied by translations recorded in your native language. Thanks to this scheme you can learn the Norwegian language wherever you are without the need of the printed materials or computer. Just import the mp3 files into your iPod or mp3 player and start learning.
English-Croatian Dictionary
Contains 31901 entries, 40305 definitions, 7428 examples, 71444 translations
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English-Croatian Dictionary (
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This Norwegian audio course contains 9 lessons, that cover the following topics: first words, food, colours, basic phrases, body, numbers, time, shopping and countries. All Norwegian words and phrases are recorded by native speakers and are accompanied by translations recorded in your native language. Thanks to this scheme you can learn the Norwegian language wherever you are without the need of the printed materials or computer. Just import the mp3 files into your iPod or mp3 player and start learning.
English-Ukrainian Dictionary
Contains 31767 entries, 38983 definitions, 7687 examples, 66284 translations
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English-Ukrainian Dictionary (
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This Norwegian audio course contains 9 lessons, that cover the following topics: first words, food, colours, basic phrases, body, numbers, time, shopping and countries. All Norwegian words and phrases are recorded by native speakers and are accompanied by translations recorded in your native language. Thanks to this scheme you can learn the Norwegian language wherever you are without the need of the printed materials or computer. Just import the mp3 files into your iPod or mp3 player and start learning.
Hungarian-English and English-Hungarian Dictionary
Contains 31503 entries, 37717 definitions, 6353 examples, 59568 translations
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Hungarian-English Dictionary (
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Az audió kurzus 9 leckéből áll, amelyek az alábbi témákat érintik: első szavak, ételek, színek, alapfrázisok, testrészek, számok, idő meghatározása, vásárlás és a Föld. Minden szót és frázist idegen anyanyelvűek mondanak és az anyanyelvi fordítással vannak kiegészítve. Ennek a rendszernek köszönhetően bárhol tanulhatja a nyelvet, számítógép és nyomtatott anyagok nélkül. Elegendő csupán az mp3-as felvételeket az iPod-jába vagy mp3-as lejátszójába betölteni, és kezdheti a tanulást.
English-Hungarian Dictionary (
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This Norwegian audio course contains 9 lessons, that cover the following topics: first words, food, colours, basic phrases, body, numbers, time, shopping and countries. All Norwegian words and phrases are recorded by native speakers and are accompanied by translations recorded in your native language. Thanks to this scheme you can learn the Norwegian language wherever you are without the need of the printed materials or computer. Just import the mp3 files into your iPod or mp3 player and start learning.
English-Polish Dictionary
Contains 30806 entries, 37372 definitions, 7321 examples, 56495 translations
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English-Polish Dictionary (
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This Norwegian audio course contains 9 lessons, that cover the following topics: first words, food, colours, basic phrases, body, numbers, time, shopping and countries. All Norwegian words and phrases are recorded by native speakers and are accompanied by translations recorded in your native language. Thanks to this scheme you can learn the Norwegian language wherever you are without the need of the printed materials or computer. Just import the mp3 files into your iPod or mp3 player and start learning.
Italian-English and English-Italian Dictionary
Contains 29461 entries, 37641 definitions, 9893 examples, 47403 translations
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Italian-English Dictionary (
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Corso audio di norvegese contiene 9 lezioni che riguardano i seguenti argomenti: le prime parole, il cibo, i colori, le frasi di base, parti del corpo umano, i numeri, il tempo, lo shopping e i paesi. Tutte le parole norvegese e le frasi sono registrate da madrelingua, e sono incluse le traduzioni registrate nella tua lingua nativa. Con questo sistema puoi imparare una lingua ovunque, senza la necessità di stampare materiale o usare un computer, dal momento che puoi semplicemente importare le registrazioni MP3, sul tuo iPod o sul tuo lettore MP3, e iniziare ad imparare.
English-Italian Dictionary (
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This Norwegian audio course contains 9 lessons, that cover the following topics: first words, food, colours, basic phrases, body, numbers, time, shopping and countries. All Norwegian words and phrases are recorded by native speakers and are accompanied by translations recorded in your native language. Thanks to this scheme you can learn the Norwegian language wherever you are without the need of the printed materials or computer. Just import the mp3 files into your iPod or mp3 player and start learning.
Spanish-English and English-Spanish Dictionary
Contains 29363 entries, 38602 definitions, 9381 examples, 48752 translations
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Spanish-English Dictionary (
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Este audiocurso de noruego contiene 9 lecciones que cubren las siguientes temas: primeras palabras, alimentos, colores, frases básicas, cuerpo, números, tiempo, compras y países. Todas las palabras en noruego y frases en noruego son grabadas por hablantes nativos y van acompañadas de traducción grabada en su lengua materna. Gracias a eso puede aprender el idioma dondequiera que esté sin necesitar materiales impresos u ordenador. Sólo cargue los archivos mp3 en su iPod o reproductor de mp3.
English-Spanish Dictionary (
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This Norwegian audio course contains 9 lessons, that cover the following topics: first words, food, colours, basic phrases, body, numbers, time, shopping and countries. All Norwegian words and phrases are recorded by native speakers and are accompanied by translations recorded in your native language. Thanks to this scheme you can learn the Norwegian language wherever you are without the need of the printed materials or computer. Just import the mp3 files into your iPod or mp3 player and start learning.
French-English and English-French Dictionary
Contains 28832 entries, 37327 definitions, 10396 examples, 47797 translations
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French-English Dictionary (
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Le cours de norvégien audio comprend 9 leçons qui couvrent les thèmes suivants : premiers mots, repas, couleurs, phrases de base, parties du corps, nombres, parler du temps, achats et pays. Tous les vocabulaires norvégien et toutes les phrases norvégien sont enregistrés par des locuteurs natifs et accompagnés de leurs traduction en langue maternelle. C'est grâce à ce système que vous pouvez apprendre la langue n'importe où, sans avoir besoin d'une version papier ou d'un ordinateur. Il ne suffit que télécharger les fichiers mp3 dans votre iPod ou lecteur mp3 et vous mettre à étudier.
English-French Dictionary (
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This Norwegian audio course contains 9 lessons, that cover the following topics: first words, food, colours, basic phrases, body, numbers, time, shopping and countries. All Norwegian words and phrases are recorded by native speakers and are accompanied by translations recorded in your native language. Thanks to this scheme you can learn the Norwegian language wherever you are without the need of the printed materials or computer. Just import the mp3 files into your iPod or mp3 player and start learning.
Romanian-English and English-Romanian Dictionary
Contains 27477 entries, 34006 definitions, 9789 examples, 62760 translations
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Romanian-English Dictionary (
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Acest curs audio de norvegiană cuprinde 9 lecţii care acoperă următoarele subiecte: primele cuvinte, mâncăruri, culori, propoziţii de bază, corpul uman, numere, timpul, la cumpărături şi ţări. Toate cuvintele norvegiane şi propoziţiile sunt înregistrate de către un vorbitor nativ şi sunt însoţite de traducerea înregistrată în limba dvs. nativă. Datorită acestui procedeu de învăţare puteţi învăţa oriunde, fără a mai avea nevoie de materiale imprimate sau de computer. Puteţi să copiaţi fişierele în format mp3 pe iPod-ul sau pe mp3-ul dvs şi să vă apucaţi de învăţat.
English-Romanian Dictionary (
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This Norwegian audio course contains 9 lessons, that cover the following topics: first words, food, colours, basic phrases, body, numbers, time, shopping and countries. All Norwegian words and phrases are recorded by native speakers and are accompanied by translations recorded in your native language. Thanks to this scheme you can learn the Norwegian language wherever you are without the need of the printed materials or computer. Just import the mp3 files into your iPod or mp3 player and start learning.
Portuguese-English and English-Portuguese Dictionary
Contains 27102 entries, 34128 definitions, 7544 examples, 56068 translations
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Portuguese-English Dictionary (
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Áudio aula contém 9 lições com os seguintes temas: primeiras palavras, comida, cores, frases básicas, partes do corpo, números, horas, compras e países. Todas as palavras e frases foram gravadas por nativos e completadas com traduçãoes para a sua língua nativa. Este sistema permite estudar a língua em qualquer lugar, sem necessidade de utilizar material impresso ou computador. Basta exportar o áudio para seu iPod ou MP3 player e pode começar a estudar.
English-Portuguese Dictionary (
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This Norwegian audio course contains 9 lessons, that cover the following topics: first words, food, colours, basic phrases, body, numbers, time, shopping and countries. All Norwegian words and phrases are recorded by native speakers and are accompanied by translations recorded in your native language. Thanks to this scheme you can learn the Norwegian language wherever you are without the need of the printed materials or computer. Just import the mp3 files into your iPod or mp3 player and start learning.
English-Japanese Dictionary
Contains 6621 entries, 9021 definitions, 4642 examples, 15618 translations
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English-Japanese Dictionary (
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This Norwegian audio course contains 9 lessons, that cover the following topics: first words, food, colours, basic phrases, body, numbers, time, shopping and countries. All Norwegian words and phrases are recorded by native speakers and are accompanied by translations recorded in your native language. Thanks to this scheme you can learn the Norwegian language wherever you are without the need of the printed materials or computer. Just import the mp3 files into your iPod or mp3 player and start learning.
Dutch-English and English-Dutch Dictionary
Contains 6195 entries, 9245 definitions, 2164 examples, 13247 translations
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Dutch-English Dictionary (
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De audiocursus bevat 9 lessen over de volgende themas: eerste woorden, eten, kleuren, basis uitdrukkingen, lichaamsdelen, getallen, tijdaanduiding, winkelen en de wereld. Alle woorden en uitrdukkingen zijn door moedertaalsprekers opgenomen. Er zijn ook vertalingen in uw moedertaal opgenomen. Dankzij dit systeem kunt u overal de taal leren en u hebt geen lesmateriaal en geen computer nodig. U moet slechts alle mp3-opnames in uw iPod of uw mp3-speler importeren en beginnen te leren.
English-Dutch Dictionary (
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This Norwegian audio course contains 9 lessons, that cover the following topics: first words, food, colours, basic phrases, body, numbers, time, shopping and countries. All Norwegian words and phrases are recorded by native speakers and are accompanied by translations recorded in your native language. Thanks to this scheme you can learn the Norwegian language wherever you are without the need of the printed materials or computer. Just import the mp3 files into your iPod or mp3 player and start learning.
English-Slovenian Dictionary
Contains 6065 entries, 9056 definitions, 2213 examples, 14122 translations
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English-Slovenian Dictionary (
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This Norwegian audio course contains 9 lessons, that cover the following topics: first words, food, colours, basic phrases, body, numbers, time, shopping and countries. All Norwegian words and phrases are recorded by native speakers and are accompanied by translations recorded in your native language. Thanks to this scheme you can learn the Norwegian language wherever you are without the need of the printed materials or computer. Just import the mp3 files into your iPod or mp3 player and start learning.
English-Chinese Dictionary
Contains 6063 entries, 8442 definitions, 2620 examples, 13680 translations
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English-Chinese Dictionary (
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This Norwegian audio course contains 9 lessons, that cover the following topics: first words, food, colours, basic phrases, body, numbers, time, shopping and countries. All Norwegian words and phrases are recorded by native speakers and are accompanied by translations recorded in your native language. Thanks to this scheme you can learn the Norwegian language wherever you are without the need of the printed materials or computer. Just import the mp3 files into your iPod or mp3 player and start learning.
English-Greek Dictionary
Contains 5976 entries, 8068 definitions, 1607 examples, 11022 translations
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English-Greek Dictionary (
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This Norwegian audio course contains 9 lessons, that cover the following topics: first words, food, colours, basic phrases, body, numbers, time, shopping and countries. All Norwegian words and phrases are recorded by native speakers and are accompanied by translations recorded in your native language. Thanks to this scheme you can learn the Norwegian language wherever you are without the need of the printed materials or computer. Just import the mp3 files into your iPod or mp3 player and start learning.
English-Lithuanian Dictionary
Contains 5965 entries, 9283 definitions, 2273 examples, 13218 translations
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English-Lithuanian Dictionary (
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This Norwegian audio course contains 9 lessons, that cover the following topics: first words, food, colours, basic phrases, body, numbers, time, shopping and countries. All Norwegian words and phrases are recorded by native speakers and are accompanied by translations recorded in your native language. Thanks to this scheme you can learn the Norwegian language wherever you are without the need of the printed materials or computer. Just import the mp3 files into your iPod or mp3 player and start learning.
English-Korean Dictionary
Contains 5961 entries, 7961 definitions, 2885 examples, 13073 translations
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English-Korean Dictionary (
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This Norwegian audio course contains 9 lessons, that cover the following topics: first words, food, colours, basic phrases, body, numbers, time, shopping and countries. All Norwegian words and phrases are recorded by native speakers and are accompanied by translations recorded in your native language. Thanks to this scheme you can learn the Norwegian language wherever you are without the need of the printed materials or computer. Just import the mp3 files into your iPod or mp3 player and start learning.
English-Turkish Dictionary
Contains 5887 entries, 8633 definitions, 2673 examples, 12819 translations
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English-Turkish Dictionary (
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This Norwegian audio course contains 9 lessons, that cover the following topics: first words, food, colours, basic phrases, body, numbers, time, shopping and countries. All Norwegian words and phrases are recorded by native speakers and are accompanied by translations recorded in your native language. Thanks to this scheme you can learn the Norwegian language wherever you are without the need of the printed materials or computer. Just import the mp3 files into your iPod or mp3 player and start learning.
English-Vietnamese Dictionary
Contains 5775 entries, 8276 definitions, 3337 examples, 13318 translations
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English-Vietnamese Dictionary (
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This Norwegian audio course contains 9 lessons, that cover the following topics: first words, food, colours, basic phrases, body, numbers, time, shopping and countries. All Norwegian words and phrases are recorded by native speakers and are accompanied by translations recorded in your native language. Thanks to this scheme you can learn the Norwegian language wherever you are without the need of the printed materials or computer. Just import the mp3 files into your iPod or mp3 player and start learning.
English-Thai Dictionary
Contains 5762 entries, 8646 definitions, 2809 examples, 13124 translations
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English-Thai Dictionary (
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This Norwegian audio course contains 9 lessons, that cover the following topics: first words, food, colours, basic phrases, body, numbers, time, shopping and countries. All Norwegian words and phrases are recorded by native speakers and are accompanied by translations recorded in your native language. Thanks to this scheme you can learn the Norwegian language wherever you are without the need of the printed materials or computer. Just import the mp3 files into your iPod or mp3 player and start learning.