Online language courses at
We offer extensive language courses for corporate language learning.
LANGMaster e-Learning language courses are widely used in corporate language learning by companies and institutions as well as schools and language schools.
Extensive Corporate language courses (Try & Buy)
Online English course
Beginners, False Beginners, Pre-intermediate, Intermediate, Upper Intermediate
400 hours of learning
Unfortunately, some courses are not available in your native language.
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Specialized courses (Try & Buy)
Online EuroEnglish Course
Professional English course focused on EU terminology
Intermediate and Advanced
55 hours of learning
Purchase licenses for the Online language courses
To use the courses purchase an annual license for each student. For student administration and license administration use the Administrator Console. For a license pricelist click here.
Courses include
- hundreds of interactive exercises with audio recordings
- Dictionary support: Any word in the course can be translated using the online dictionary. Dictionaries in many language combinations are powered by Lingea technology. See also Bilingual Dictionaries.
- Listen & Talk (listening and pronunciation practice): You can practice listening to and pronouncing the words and phrases included in the course. See also Self-study Supplements.
- Grammar explanations: Comprehensive grammar explanations with hundreds of sample sentences are directly linked to the individual exercises.
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