Online language testing
1. About
LANGMaster is an electronic testing platform which is able to evaluate reliably a person´s language skills using a computer and the internet. Test results are based on the criteria of the Common European Framework of Reference - CEFR (using language levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2). is designed mainly for:
- companies and organizations which look for fast and efficient way to test language skills of their employees and job applicants
- high schools, language schools and universities which need to effectively test progress of their students
Other features:
- extensive database of the test questions – each test is an original
- the tested participants can perform the test anywhere they can access internet
For more details click here.
It is recommended to try for free and to learn more details using our
demo version. The main advantage of the demo version is, that you can try out the activities of all the participants of the testing process: (Company/Administrator, Tested participant and Tutor).
Note: Some functions are simplified for the demo purposes.
Purchase licenses for
To use purchase a license for each test. For student administration and license administration use the Administrator Console. For a license pricelist click here.
We offer 2 versions of tests:
- Standard test: Testing of Grammar and Vocabulary, Reading comprehension and Listening comprehension. Test is evaluated by computer.
- Complete test: Compared to Standard test testing of Speaking and Writing is included. Speaking and Writing skills are evaluated by Tutor.
Technical information
Microsoft Silverlight environment (similar to Flash Player from Adobe) is needed to run application. Silverlight will in no way affect your current software or stored data.
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